Pretraži blog: 


This is the English version of my Serbian Blog, which I started in February 2011. I will gradually translate more posts. Initially only about Avon products, it developed into a review blog of products from many other cosmetic brands. It covers a range of topics from beauty / lifestyle / whatever-I-wanna-say.

Besides blogging about cosmetics I am teaching physics and nuclear biochemistry at Belgrade's university.

How to use this blog 

Use the Search box on the top of the page to search in all articles on this blog.

Alternatively, check the Menu which collects a lot of interesting articles from diverse categories.

Blog Policy 

This is a personal blog, written exclusively by myself. I am in no way affiliated with the companies whose products I review.

This blog is open to paid or sponsored articles, but those will always be clearly indicated as such.
Also, I will gladly accept free products, testers, business invitations, tickets, or other forms of compensation from individuals and companies. This does not in any way affect the content of the posts, the selection of topics or the organization of the blog. Also, I cannot blog about all products that I receive - which ones I choose is up to me and my liking. 

The texts present personal experiences or the experiences of friends that I consider credible. For each statistic or scientific fact, or any other claim, I will refer to the source from which it was taken.

All content of this blog is my property. You are not allowed to copy or publish content without my permission. If you want to reuse content from this blog, please contact me prior to doing so. 

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